Here is the code I have right now: % Open PowerPoint as a COM Automation server ppt = actxserver('PowerPoint.Application'); % Show the PowerPoint window ppt.Visible = 1; % Bring up the PowerPoint session help window - this contains the API, the % complete function list.


Here is the code I have right now: % Open PowerPoint as a COM Automation server ppt = actxserver('PowerPoint.Application'); % Show the PowerPoint window ppt.Visible = 1; % Bring up the PowerPoint session help window - this contains the API, the % complete function list.

If you use the MATLAB Compiler mcc command to compile a GUI that contains an ActiveX control, you must use the -a flag to add the ActiveX file, which GUIDE saves in the current directory, to the CTF archive. This has been an excellent example to follow when attempting to get MATLAB to interact with PowerPoint. And so far, I've had a lot of success in adding PNG files to and existing PowerPoint presentation. But I do have one question: When adding a new slide to an existing presentation, I can't seem to control the title font size. How can I write the corresponding commands for these VBA code in Matlab?

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You can use methods (h) and get (h) to examine them. The only tricky ones are collections. You will generally need to say something like hCollection.Item (N) to get the N-th item from the collection. In PowerPoint, identify the position of the reference slide you want the new slide to precede. Open the PPT API program and give a name to the reference slide you want to position the new slide before. For example, assume that the reference slide is the second slide in a PowerPoint presentation. Matlab Tutorial: How to use ActiveX in Matlab Windaq Add-ons.

This Matlab tutorial shows you how to use ActiveX in Matlab. This tutorial also applies to DI-145, DI-149 and DI-155. In this lesson, we will use Ultimaserial ActiveX to demonstrate how to develop a data acquisition application with DATAQ's Starter kit. Here, you will find examples on how to. Load an ActiveX control, e.g. actxcontrol('ULTIMASERIAL.)

If you want users to enter numeric values, you must convert the characters to numbers. You can do this using the str2double command, which converts strings to doubles. If the user enters nonnumeric characters, str2double returns NaN. This has been an excellent example to follow when attempting to get MATLAB to interact with PowerPoint. And so far, I've had a lot of success in adding PNG files to and existing PowerPoint presentation.

Matlab powerpoint activex commands

I have read that accessing collections in MATLAB is a known issue, however I did not manage to find any solution - I am assuming it will involve the get command but I'm afraid I just haven't cracked it yet.

Matlab powerpoint activex commands

Learn more about active x, activex, powerpoint. 24 Feb 2011 A basic overview, application and usage of MATLAB for engineers. It covered very You can call DLLs, Java classes, and ActiveX controls. I am trying to control a powerPoint presentation using an arduino Mega I tried using the goBetwino application to open powerpoint and send commands.

Copy figure in Matlab; Paste in Powerpoint; Right click and 2015-05-15 · Nonetheless, this is a great suite of functions for connecting MATLAB with Excel. I'm not doing justice to Yvan's entry if I don't mention the true motivation for him creating this. If you need to repeatedly read from or write to an Excel file, xlsread or xlswrite would suffer a performance hit because of the repeated connect/disconnect that it's doing with Excel.
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Categories: GUI , High risk of breaking in future versions , Java , Listeners , Stock Matlab function , Undocumented feature Tags: ActiveX , Callbacks , Java , Performance , Undocumented feature 33 Comments MATLAB. command files should be named with a suffix of ".m", e.g., myfile.m.

Step 1: Creating Control.
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Programmatically update content in an existing presentation. You can use the PPT API to programmatically add dynamic content to an existing PowerPoint ® presentation. To get started, see Update Presentation Content Programmatically.

Set Up a PowerPoint Template Use Existing Presentations as Templates. When you use an existing PowerPoint ® presentation as a template for a PPT API presentation, the content from the template presentation appears in the new PPT API presentation. You can use the PPT API to update content in the existing presentation.